Best Horror Movies

15 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time

Horror movies are one of those totally special niches in most film lovers’ minds. Something is unique about scaring from the comfort of your abode or in some dimly lit movie house. Supernatural haunting, psychological thriller-horror movies really take us down to the depth of our worst fears and unknown in ways few other genres can even come close.

 We will discuss all 15 of the most horrific horror movies ever made old, classic terrors, and modern nightmares. You either are an old-time horror movie junkie or a first-time horror victim who wants to feel that chill running down your spine. All these 15 movies have it all in store for you.


1. The Exorcist (1973)

It has remained a movie accepted by many as one of the most macabre ever made; that is The Exorcist, a scary movie that has managed to stay fresh since the very day it was created.
It was directed by the horror film master William Friedkin. Such a movie of the cold plot rotates around a girl called Regan, horror movie somehow became occupied with an evil spirit of sorts. 

Special mention has to be done towards the heavily distorted imagery of The Exorcist, crawling sound track, and highly horror-convention scaring acting performance from Linda Blair. Keywords: supernatural, possession, demon, horror classic. 

2. Psycho (1960)

Psycho is that Alfred Hitchcock classic which gave the genre an entirely new color. The film is remembered with the shower scene that would always run cold shivers through the body. Norman Bates is the most dangerous character etched on paper ever, Anthony Perkins.

Psycho becomes the nervously thrilling Hitchcock film owing to the directorship of the latter and ominous scores given by Bernard Herrmann. Keywords: psychological horror, thriller, suspense, Hitchcock.

3. Hereditary (2018)

Hereditary is the newest  Horror movie and ranked just recently right beside the number one leading most scariest films in the history.
Ari Aster has written this movie based on the family story and where dark secrets come into the scene after the death of the patriarchal figure.
Heritage: it is horror creeps under your skin, there is nowhere to run and arises with tension being built slowly into sickening imagery that shocks and the keywords would be: the family, horrible, dark, supernatural, darkness, and a writer named Ari Aster

 4. The Shining -1980

This is the source for Stanley Kubrick to create a place-based, psychologically frightening film-the themes of isolations and loss of sanity do not help; they’re dreadful enough to get audiences away by themselves.
It also features one of the great acting performances of this genre of films, where such slow degradation of Jack Torrance into madness portrayed by Jack Nicholson in this movie.

 The movie, The Shining, never fails to throw some relevant questions up in the viewers’ minds through the horror-stricken atmosphere, coupled with more bizarre visuals and some frightening background scores. Keywords: Isolation, madness, Stephen King, psychological horror.

 5. Jaws (1975)

More than a thriller, Steven Spielberg’s film Jaws is the master of suspense and tension. If taken technically, then this film had chills running down the throats of audiences by traditional jump scares and pumping up of tension. Since something lies unknown under the water, every frame holds that base fear. Keywords: thriller, shark, suspense, Spielberg.

6. The Conjuring (2013)

This is going to be an awesome supernatural Horror movie thriller straight from the mouths of real paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren.
You will come to know in it how director James Wan opens out for us the story by telling us that how Warrens continued and further explored the case of investigation, which was one incident of haunting happening to the dwelling place of one family.

 An eerie feeling attached with this had fetched a good deal of identification to The Conjuring, simply due to spine-tingling suspense and quite awesome horror sequences that it gave rise to then for its cinematic world. Keywords: supernatural, haunting, paranormal, James Wan.

 7. It (2017)

This shows up in the shape of Pennywise-the terrifying clown, and now it has been immortalized in the legendary novel from which the movie hails. Indeed, it has turned out to be rich in drama in the able hands of directing by Andy Muschietti horror movie.
This plot with the group of children in town Derry circulates around a shape-shifting creature known as Pennywise.

 This creature survives on fear and the way people face him, is a very frightening story told with supernatural horror and heartwarming moments with which it gives an account for childhood trauma and survival through the friends. Keywords: Stephen King, Pennywise, clown, supernatural horror. 

8. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974

Tobe Hooper’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre is nearly revoltingly nasty, and it cements that fact this film was one of those things that really pushed the slasher flick genre over on to screen. A group of friends, and their friends, get themselves stranded in rural Texas only to have to contend with a family of cannibals, aka Leatherface.

 A raw movie that is so intense and realistic in atmosphere, yet as nasty as it gets with violence floating around everywhere. Not exactly a film to watch. Keywords: slasher, cannibalism, Leatherface, disturbing.

9. The Ring (2002)

This is the supernatural horror film videotape curse coming into American cinemas through the Japanese Ringu. This supernatural horror film, The Ring, by Gore Verbinski is a good way of portraying the problem that an incomprehensible videotape said to cause death in best horror movie whoever watches it is presenting an ominous atmosphere, gory images, and the unquiet character Samara. 

Heads are not rolled off as credits roll out. Keywords: cursed videotape, supernatural, haunting, psychological.

10. Get Out (2017)

Get Out is one of those few horror movies very cleverly fitting with social commentary. A movie wherein a young African American spends some time at his girlfriend’s family place finds terrible secrets about the actual intentions behind their conciliatory nature.

 Issues of race and privilege have been brought by Jordan Peele to the public in his chilling social horror of what is sharp, disturbing imagery. Keywords: social horror, psychological thriller, Jordan Peele, race.

11. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Wes Craven allows us into the revenge spirit which haunts teenagers in their dreams, Freddy Krueger, wearing razor-sharp claws on a glove-one of the better Horror Movie villains ever imagined. It is frightening how death can happen at any point in a dream. Keywords: Freddy Krueger, dreams, slasher, horror villain.

12. Insidious (2010)

Since James Wan is a creator of supernatural terrors, it is easy to assume that his follow-up film can explain the story of a family with a boy who falls into some kind of inexplicable coma and becomes the focal point for evil spirits horror movie. 

Creeping dread slowly builds throughout the entire film to help make every single jump scare feel earned. Insidious was good because it made the audience sit on the edge without heavy gore. Keywords: supernatural, spirits, jump scares, haunting

13. The Witch (2015)

This is one slow-burning horror Movie, set in 17th-century New England, where the break-up of a Puritan family under the forces of darkness gathering to enclose their wilderness is a grim development.

 Atmospheric Horror Movie interwoven with the intensity of a feeling of fear in building all the way up for that climactic haunting moment, taking into account historical detail in the crafting of psychological tension. Keywords: supernatural, witchcraft, slow burn, psychological horror.

14. The Babadook (2014)

This is one movie that has been directed by some Australian film director, which falls under the tag of psycho horror thriller. There it has been shown that one lady lost her husband and now she is living along with some poor boy with whom she finds herself to be. 

In this boy there takes place some devilish casting, because he is reading that mysterious book of the children. That’s why it can be even considered one fantastic plot representation; horror movie it may cause even fear and other emotions too. The Babadook, of course is undeniably, one of the most striking creatures in quite some time memory. Keywords: psychological horror, grief, haunting, monster.

15. Alien (1979)

The best among the sci-fi horrors, which made us reclassify this genre, is Alien, Ridley Scott. 

Here, how the members of the crew one by one are hunted by the alien creature of Nostromo, and it became a science fiction horror film as nasty as anything ever filmed because of such atmosphere of this movie and the design of the horror movie  of the alien given by H.R. Giger. Keywords: alien, sci-fi horror, creature feature, Ridley Scott.
Horror movies, after all, the ultimate vehicle taking us to the deepest recesses of our mind and bringing on the worst of nightmares to the surface.

 Of these, 15 scarriest movies of all times have been said to influence different generations of filmmaking and spectators but also introduce diversities into frights into any one given form of the horror movie which may be seen in terms of psychological or supernatural haunting, scaring creatures as well as appeasing the harsh horror fan.
Next time you’re in the mood for a good scare, dive into this list, turn off the lights, and enjoy 

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